¿Que es la UX?
UX, se refiere a cómo se siente un usuario mientras interactúa con un producto, tanto digital como físico. Se centra en los resultados y los comentarios generales de los usuarios. Si bien la experiencia general del usuario digital se verá afectada por su interfaz de usuario, es un aspecto mucho más amplio de los productos digitales. Solo tenga en cuenta que UX es algo que se puede aplicar a cualquier experiencia.
Good UX will answer questions such as:
- What are the weak points that surround my product or service?
- What are you trying to achieve users with my service or product?
- Where are the points of friction within the experience?
- What can you offer this experience to the users who can not get in any other place?
Without a doubt, any product or digital service will have some kind of user interface for users to interact, but all with which a user interacts to produce a user experience (UX) for. Even something as simple as sitting in a waiting room provides a UX corresponding.
The only real reason why the two are often expressed in unison is due to the fact that both are always present in digital experiences. Not to mention the fact that they look good when written next to each other.
Why, then, should focus its efforts on improving its UX and UI? Is it really worth the investment?
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