Digital transformation success: practice makes perfect
Business transformation is often synonymous with the phrase digital transformation. The objectives are the same: to improve the business, to create an organization ready for the change. However, there is a slight difference between the two. Digital transformation implies that the business is transformed through the use of technology and/or the update itself.
Yes, it's a small nuance, but this way of thinking can be an inhibitor very large. Only 16% of organizations say that their transformations digital have been prepared to be ready for change. Solely relying on technology as a major driver of the digital transformation of an organization clearly is not working.
Where does it begin the digital transformation successful? With a practice.
More specifically, the transformations successful online start with the delivery of software and the transformation of their methods of delivery of software, which requires two things. A is a platform of code under which speeds up the creation and deployment of applications. The second is a practice of digital transformation by means of which to use code under and also inspire changes in the way in which your business operates.
Why low-code and digital transformation?
I remember a project that I worked on an e-commerce company that used to work. I was commissioned to try to understand the correlation between the speed of the page and sales. What the research showed was that when the pages are loaded over a second slower than usual, or that of the competition, there was a 15% drop in conversion. Users simply hoped that the pages work. This finding made us rethink our whole approach to development that does not impact negatively on the company.
But the technology does not work well and the digital transformation certainly not.
The development of software code under is becoming ubiquitous. In fact, Gartner predicts that by 2025, 70% of new applications developed by companies will use technologies with little or no code . Do you want your business to turn? How to create a new channel of income, perhaps? You need software to do that. The slower the development process, the more expensive it will be and the more limiting it can be for your portfolio of applications . The more you can hamper innovation. What is offered by the development of code under it is a way for organizations to deliver software at the enterprise level at an accelerated pace, which helps to reduce the input to the initiatives of digital transformation.
When platforms like this are so pervasive and are inextricably linked to initiatives of high risk such as digital transformation, this means that developers who use platforms of code under and users who use applications built on these platforms, as my users in the e-commerce company, simply just wait for the code to work.
But the technology does not work well and the digital transformation certainly not.. Need to know how to use it, and your organization must be prepared for the change. In summary, we also need to rethink your whole approach to development!
Practice of digital transformation
The main reason for the failure of new growth initiatives such as digital transformation, as suggested by Gartner, it is not the technology but rather the “inability to close the gaps of running the business for the change.” "
To meet the expectations of the people it takes more than technology. That is why Mendix provides you with not only the best platform, but also best practices to begin to implement it.
I'll explain. With the platform code development low-Mendix, you can offer an application that generates a certain amount of income, cost savings or improvements. And you can deliver that application more quickly than the methods of traditional development. The value you can get from the platform Mendix is worth only the price of the ticket. The report TEI Forrester suggests that with Mendix, you can get $ 20 million in net profit in three years, through channels of value as a better customer experience, operational efficiencies, time of development of applications for accelerated and gross profits thanks to a quicker time to market.
But there is always more juice to squeeze. As suggested by a vice president of software development interviewed for the report: "The ability to develop new products quickly with Mendix has changed our business." We understand that this is not a success, punctual, and very successful it is. Need to know how to perform deliveries repeatedly.
To drive the transformation of your business, you must constantly create a series of applications that generate value. To do that, you need to change the way to deliver the software, not just create it.
Our practice run digital is just that: a method to execute its initiatives of digital transformation.
The practice of running a digital Mendix shows you how to organize the right people on the right teams, armed with the technologies and processes in place and working on software projects suitable that are directly related to their vision of digital transformation. We have created this practice coding and years and years of experience with thousands of customers, as they pushed their way down to the code under.
Of course, the goals of digital transformation and business transformation of each one are different. But as well as our platform works well with most of the technologies, our practice works well with the infrastructure and the personnel of most of the organizations. We do this through our 5P.
You must create a list of initiatives to be of high value in which to work, but also to decide which initiatives (or applications), you choose first. Passing of the first quick wins to the continued success and capture the value of your portfolio of code under it has brought to your organization.
Once you know what you're going to build, you will also need to know what people need in order to achieve your goals. It is also important to bring people from across your organization with you on that journey of change. Lara Pyko, Chief People Officer of Mendix, gave a recent talk on the importance of people in the digital transformation.
From a process of ideation quick to expand that Portfolio worthy initiatives, to processes of development and governance, agile and well-established. The process ensures the ongoing success and the ability to develop applications to scale, which means that you need to change the way you work.
This focuses on how Mendix fits into your IT landscape more broad and how you can leverage the power of the code under the correct way. As I said before, our platform works well with most of the technologies, but it depends on you to set the guidelines on how to let them play together!
Also want to set your strategy for reusable components and componibilidad . In his article of predictions for 2022, "The applications composable accelerate the digital business", Gartner posits that "to 2024, 80% of the CIOS surveyed will include the redesign business modulate, through the componibilidad, as one of the five main reasons for accelerating your business performance".
Success is a thing, and know that whatever you're having is another. It is absolutely crucial to communicate their vision and their success to their organization; this is how you can get people to join your program to change and how to guarantee the continued support to execute your vision.
It is always more than technology
As the expectations on the response time of the page for a retail store on-line, people who dive for the first time in a platform for the development of code under will have expectations, primarily around speed and agility. But that is only think with their technology. Those who adopt the code under (or soon to be adopted) should have expectations even higher platform. Must start thinking of how you can use to help them change the way their business operates and delivers software (which, as you know, you can offer any type of value). That is the beauty of the union between practice and platform.